Summer Employment

Hartland offers a wide variety of exciting summer jobs from June through August. We believe that every member of our staff plays a critically important role as a partner in the ministry of Hartland. As we seek to fill positions for the summer, our desire is to employ those committed to serving others in Jesus' name, have a desire to grow, and have a strong work ethic.

Please keep in mind that we have a very limited number of paid positions available. If you are interested in volunteering at Hartland, please indicate that on your application.

Employment begins in early June and goes through mid to late August.

*Note: The application below is quite thorough and will take some time to complete. Please make sure to allow for plenty of uninterrupted time to complete it. There is no option to save it and return later.

Information you will need to have on-hand before starting the application process:

  • Previous addresses from the past 5 years
  • Previous employment dates and contact information
  • Names and email addresses of 2 references (personal and employment)
  • Specific dates you will be available (starting and ending)

If you have questions about summer employment at Hartland or if you have problems with the online application, please contact:
Bryan Case
Program Manager
Phone: 559-337-2349

  • Summer Staff Positions

         Food Service Staff

         Office Assistant

         Maintenance/Recreation Assistant

         Accommodations/Recreation Assistant

         Recreation Team Member
         Photographer (volunteer position)