Prayer Requests

Please pray for Hartland Christian Camp

Prayer works! God is doing amazing things. We have seen an unusual number of incidents where God has orchestrated events in miraculous ways and transformed individual lives. Please pray that God would move even more people to pray for this ministry on a regular, ongoing basis. We realize more than ever that we need people to pray that God would use this ministry to transform lives and bring healing, hope, and forgiveness to each person who comes here.

Hartland truly is a local missions organization where God is impacting our culture and working miracles in and through people's lives every day.

Please keep the prayer coming - it is having a striking impact.

Can we pray for you? If you would like us to pray for you, please email us at, call 559-337-2349, or text (559) 372-2843

Prayer Requests

Summer Staff

Hartland hires approximately 25 young people each summer. We consider each individual to be a critically important part of our ministry. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we interview each person. We believe God handpicks each one as we submit our will to His.

Dining Hall Project

Hartland is in the process of raising money to build a new Dining Hall. We are committed to raising all the funds for this project prior to beginning construction. If it is God's will for this project be completed, He will provide the necessary resources to make it possible. We would appreciate your prayers as we approach potential donors. All the money is God's, Hartland is His, and we are His to do with as He will.